What Does It Mean When A Cat Is Kneading

If you've ever wondered why your furry friend seems to knead on you, you're not alone. While it can be a slightly puzzling and amusing behavior, there are actually several reasons why cats knead. Here's a closer look:

The Reasons Why Cats Knead

1. Territorial Marking

When your cat kneads, they may be releasing their scent. Their paws contain scent glands, so they may be marking you (or another object) as their own. This could be a way for your cat to claim you, your furniture, or their bed as their territory.

cat kneading on blanket

2. Comfort and Security

Cats knead in a similar way to how they nursed as kittens. They press into soft surfaces like blankets, cushions, or even your lap, to recreate the comforting feeling of being close to their mother.

cat kneading on blanket

3. Stretching and Relaxation

Cats also knead as a way to stretch their muscles and relieve tension. It's a natural instinct that helps them limber up and prepare for sleep.

cat kneading on blanket

4. Affection and Bonding

Kneading can also be a sign of affection from your cat. They may do it when they're feeling happy, content, or just want to spend time with you.

cat kneading on lap

5. Health Issues

While it's a natural behavior for most cats, excessive kneading could be a sign of an underlying health issue. If your cat is kneading more than usual, or seems to be in pain while doing so, it's worth consulting your veterinarian.

How to Encourage Kneading

If you want to encourage your cat to knead, there are a few things you can do:

1. Create a Comfortable Surface

Provide your cat with a soft and comfortable surface to knead on, such as a cushion or blanket. This will help them feel calm and relaxed, and may encourage them to knead more frequently.

2. Offer More Lap Time

Cats may knead on your lap as a way to bond with you, so try to spend more time sitting with your furry friend. This could be while you're watching TV, reading a book, or just sitting and relaxing.

3. Give Them Plenty of Toys

Cats can become stressed if they don't have enough toys to play with. Providing them with toys that they can knead and scratch, such as a scratching post or a soft toy, may help to reduce their anxiety levels.


Kneading is a natural behavior for cats, and there are several reasons why they do it. Whether they're marking their territory, seeking comfort, or bonding with their owner, kneading is a sign that your cat is feeling happy and content. By providing your furry friend with a comfortable environment and plenty of attention, you can help to encourage this instinctual behavior and strengthen your bond.

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