When Do High Schools Start

When Do High Schools Start - well, let me tell you, it's way too early! I mean, who actually enjoys waking up at the crack of dawn to go to school? Definitely not me! And it seems like I'm not alone in this sentiment. Check out these hilarious images and facts that prove high school start times are downright ridiculous.

100 Things to Do Before High School - Points to Learn


  • Take a nap during your first class - it's not like you'll be learning anything anyways!
  • Set aside time each morning to cry about how early it is
  • Invest in a coffee IV drip


  • Join the "Start School Later" club - it probably meets before school though, so good luck with that
  • Petition your principal to move the start time to noon
  • Stage a "sleep-in" protest in front of the school

How To:

  • Set multiple alarms, strategically placed throughout your room
  • Practice pretending to be attentive in class with your eyes closed
  • Save up to buy a private jet so you can just fly yourself to school whenever you feel like it

100 things to do before high school

Students Struggle with Early Start Time in High School - PattonvilleTODAY


  • Invest in a good under-eye concealer to hide those dark circles
  • Chug a bottle of water before leaving the house to force yourself to be alert
  • Try not to fall asleep during gym class - those dodgeballs hurt when they hit you in the face


  • Start a "carpool karaoke" group to make the drive to school more enjoyable
  • Bribe your bus driver with coffee to make unscheduled stops at Starbucks
  • Create a "petition party" where you and your friends make signs and gather signatures for a later start time

How To:

  • Train your body to function on cat naps alone
  • Send a hypnotist to school to convince your teachers that you're participating in class
  • Enroll in night school instead (just kidding, don't do that)

Students struggle with early start time

Does High School Start Too Early in the Day? Lawmaker Hopes to Spark


  • Wear sunglasses inside the classroom to minimize the effect of harsh fluorescent lighting
  • Pack snacks to power through the day - no one wants a hangry student
  • Stretch in between classes to avoid stiffness from sitting in a desk all day


  • Rally your fellow students for a "sleep strike" until start times are changed
  • Write a letter to your local government representative expressing your concerns
  • Stage a "flashmob" in the cafeteria to bring attention to the issue (bonus points if you do it choreographed to a popular pop song)

How To:

  • Convince your parents to homeschool you instead
  • Develop a secret society within the school dedicated to changing the start time
  • Break into the principal's office and change the school's schedule yourself (just kidding, don't do that either)

Does high school start too early?

Wake Up Calls (Fast Facts)


  • Practice your fake coughing skills for when you need to call in "sick"
  • Set a daily reminder on your phone to tell you how many more minutes you have until the day is over
  • Keep a stress ball in your backpack to relieve tension from extreme tiredness


  • Design "sleep pods" for the school where students can take quick naps in between classes
  • Schedule a school-wide "movie day" where the schedule is pushed back to allow for more rest time
  • Start a "lazy club" that advocates for less work and more sleep

How To:

  • Design and build a futuristic robot that can attend class for you while you sleep at home
  • Create a new school system where classes start in the afternoon and end in the evening
  • Win the lottery and buy your own private island where you can sleep in everyday (hey, we can dream!)

Wake Up Calls

School Starts Too Early, Affecting Student Health - Big Think


  • Take a "mental health day" when you absolutely cannot force yourself out of bed in the morning
  • Pack a "survival kit" consisting of caffeine, Advil, and earplugs to get you through the day
  • Make a "sleep playlist" to lull yourself to sleep at night


  • Organize a sleep-in at the school and invite your local news station to cover the story
  • Get in touch with a sleep expert to come speak at the school about the importance of getting enough rest
  • Start a "sleep movement" where students around the world unite to demand later start times

How To:

  • Create an army of robot replicas of yourself to attend school in your place while you snooze
  • Design a "sleep chamber" where students can sleep in between classes, equipped with pillows, blankets, and soft music
  • Become a billionaire and donate millions of dollars to schools around the world to fund later start times (now that's a dream come true!)

School starts too early, affecting student health

So there you have it, folks - proof that high school start times are a complete joke. But don't worry, with these tips, ideas, and how-tos, you'll be able to make it through those early mornings and survive until graduation.

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