When Does Glenn Die On The Walking Dead

When Does Glenn Die On The Walking Dead - Let me tell you, my heart sunk when I witnessed the death of Glenn Rhee. Okay, okay, I know it's just a TV show, but this is serious business, y'all. I cannot believe how the writers screwed up his story in season six. Any true fan of The Walking Dead knows the impact that Glenn had on the show. He was a beacon of hope, a symbol of strength, and damnit, he deserved better. And let's not forget about the death of Carl, another tragic loss to the show. Here are my thoughts on how these two deaths were huge mistakes, and some tips on how the writers can improve in the future.

Glenn's Death

What Happened

Let me break it down for y'all. So, Glenn and Nicholas are stuck under a dumpster while a horde of walkers surround them. Nicholas decides to shoot himself, causing them both to fall amongst the walkers. It appears as though Glenn's intestines are being devoured by the walkers in a gruesome and unforgettable scene. However, later in the season, we find out that Glenn miraculously survived by hiding beneath the dumpster, as the walkers were eating Nicholas' body instead.

Why It Was A Mistake

Now don't get me wrong, I'm glad that Glenn survived. But the way that the writers dragged out his supposed death was disrespectful to the character and the audience. It was a cheap ploy for ratings and shock value. It also made the entire season feel like a letdown, as if the writers were just stalling until they could reveal Glenn's true fate. And let's not forget the psychological trauma that they inflicted upon us viewers. We thought we had lost one of our favorite characters in a horrific way, only to find out it was a cheesy fake-out. Shame on you, writers.

How They Can Do Better

If the writers really wanted to kill off Glenn, they should have done it with more dignity and purpose. Perhaps he could have sacrificed himself for the group, or died heroically in battle. That would have given his death meaning and made it more impactful. Instead, they chose to play games with our emotions, which is not cool.

Carl's Death

What Happened

Carl Grimes, the son of Rick, was bitten by a walker in season eight and later died. This heart-wrenching scene was a shock to all of us, as we had grown to love and respect Carl over the course of the show.

Why It Was A Mistake

Carl's death was a huge mistake for a number of reasons. First and foremost, it completely deviated from the comic book storyline, where Carl is still alive and a major character. This decision angered many die-hard fans of the series.

Secondly, Carl's character had so much potential for growth and development. He was a symbol of hope for the future, a young boy who had survived in a world filled with chaos and death. Killing him off seemed like a cheap move for shock value, without taking into consideration the potential impact it would have on the story and the audience.

How They Can Do Better

Instead of killing off Carl, the writers could have given him a more meaningful storyline. They could have explored his relationships with other characters, his struggles with growing up in a world without innocence, and his journey towards becoming a leader in his own right. Carl had so much potential, and it's a shame that the writers chose to squander it for the sake of shock value.

Tips for The Walking Dead Writers

So, what can the writers do to improve the show going forward? Here are a few ideas:

  • Stop relying on cheap shock value tactics to keep the audience interested. We're invested in the characters and the story, not just the gore.
  • Respect the source material, but don't be afraid to take risks and deviate from the comic book storyline. Just make sure it makes sense and has purpose.
  • Remember that the characters and their relationships are what make the show interesting. Take time to develop them and explore their motivations.
  • Focus on quality over quantity. Don't try to cram too much into one episode, or drag out a storyline for too long.
  • Listen to feedback from fans, but don't let it dictate the direction of the show. Trust your instincts and your vision.

Overall, The Walking Dead has had its ups and downs, but it still remains one of my favorite shows. I just hope that the writers can learn from their mistakes and give us fans the epic story that we deserve.

Glenn's death scene Glenn's death in season 7 Carl's death Abraham and Glenn's deaths

It's time for the writers to step up their game and deliver the epic story that The Walking Dead deserves. Let's hope that they hear our cries and make some changes for the better. Until then, we'll keep tuning in, praying that our favorite characters survive the zombie apocalypse.

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